Announcing New Webinars and Professional Development Training for Educators
Preparing for the start of a new school year can be a daunting experience for educators at the best of times. But this year presents a unique set of challenges for schools everywhere. When classes resume, educators need to be prepared to acknowledge and address the potential grief and trauma experienced by staff and students during the COVID-19 school closures.
Good Grief Schools is here to help. Starting later this month and continuing through the fall, we are offering a series of webinars and professional development training to support educators on the road back to school. Please share these webinars and trainings with your colleagues and friends and sign up today!

AUGUST 26, 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
How can educators address the impact of the uncertainty, fear, isolation, grief, and economic hardship their students are experiencing as a result of pandemic? In this webinar, we will host a conversation about navigating the road back to school, and the importance of focusing on the social and emotional needs of students as classes resume.
The webinar will be hosted by Jesse Bassett, Good Grief’s Director of Education. All teachers, counselors, administrators, and other faculty within the K-12 setting are invited to attend.

OCTOBER 7, 2020, 10:00 PM – 3:30 PM
DECEMBER 9, 2020, 10:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Risk factors are significant for children grieving a loss, but research points to caring, empathic relationships as being key for intervention. Yet, many of us lack an understanding of how to respond, which drives a cycle of disconnection and isolation. How can we develop the art of the empathic response that creates an environment that reduces risk factors?
This workshop will explore the risk factors, issues around grief and loss, adversity, and how empathy is critical for creating a more caring, supportive environment for grieving children and families. Please share with your colleagues and friends and sign up today!

OCTOBER 21, 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Join fellow educators for a small group writing workshop facilitated by Carole Geithner, author and social worker, and Lisa Zeitz, educator and social worker. Writing can lead to moments of insight, or healing shifts in perspective. We will create a supportive space for exploration, creativity, and discovery, using several writing prompts to help you get started and your inner strength reinvigorated. A great way to pause and build in some self-care as you juggle the many stressors and demands in our changed world.
The tools we will use can also be used to help your students pause and reflect on where they have been, where they are, and where they are headed.