Good Grief COVID-19 Announcement
Dear Community,
As part of the actions being taken across the country and around the world to address the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease and in order to ensure the health and safety of the hundreds of children and families we serve each week, we have made the decision to close our Good Grief centers on March 13, 2020.
Many Good Grief families live in multi-generational, and therefore vulnerable, households as a result of the loss they have experienced. Additionally, our families represent more than 185 communities in New Jersey.
In order to continue providing services and support during this closure, Good Grief is moving its programs to virtual platforms and other modalities for communication and support until March 27, 2020. In addition, we are still enrolling newly bereaved families, who may begin programs as soon as our centers reopen. Please call 908-522-1999 to enroll.
We are evaluating the situation on a day-to-day basis and communicating pertinent information to the community. The Good Grief staff is working remotely and available by email or phone: 908-522-1999.
We hope for a quick resolution and wish you good health.

Joe Primo | Good Grief CEO