Parent Education


Our Parent Education Program is designed to meet these goals:

Increase parent competency and confidence to be responsive to children and adolescents facing adversity
Increased confidence in parental ability to build their child’s resilience in the home
Enhance parent capacity to identify signs of grief in children and adolescents
Improve use of parenting strategies assist children and adolescents facing loss and adversity

We empower parents to raise resilient children:

Many parents lack adequate training on how to best support their child through loss and adversity.
Research shows that parents and caregivers are the most important factor for determining whether a child develops resilience.
Our focus is on promoting supportive caregiving relationships and teaching children adaptive life skills in the home.
Our workshops equip parents with knowledge, confidence, and strategies to employ with their children.
  • "Good Grief’s parent education and staff professional development are always well received. They are well run, highly interactive and provide invaluable information, resources and strategies to help our school community navigate challenging times."

    – Administrator, West Windsor-Plainsboro NJ Regional School District

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