Announcing “Building Resilience” Webinars for Schools!
We are excited to announce that over the next month, Good Grief will be offering a series of free webinars for educators on topics related to grief, loss, and resilience. At Good Grief, we understand that COVID-19 is presenting educators with many challenges including working remotely, juggling work and family life, supporting the educational and emotional needs of students, and experiencing grief and loss.
In response, we are providing the education community with support and resources for personal and professional growth.
The webinar series will be hosted by Jesse Bassett, Good Grief’s Director of Education. All teachers, counselors, administrators, and other faculty within the K-12 setting are invited to attend. Please share with your colleagues and friends, and sign up today!

MAY 8, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
How do individuals, families, and communities navigate through loss and uncertainty? How do you stay grounded when the world feels chaotic? In this webinar, we will explore the role of values, choices, and agency as a foundation to resilience, and strategies to support others in the process.

MAY 14, 2020, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
What is meaning-making? How do individuals, families, and communities make sense of the adversities and hardships that we face in life? In this workshop, we will explore the role of meaning-making in response to loss, adversity, hardships, pandemics, and more, and how individuals can support children, teenagers, and adults in this process.

MAY 20, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
This live webinar and Q&A will provide educators with a comprehensive overview of our Good Grief Schools program. Join us to learn more, ask questions, and find out how to become a Good Grief School!

You can also access lots of free resources via our COVID-19 Resources Page including:
- Funerals in a Pandemic Toolkit
- Podcast miniseries on Funerals in a Pandemic
- Webinars on Resilient Parenting
- Tip Sheets