Webinar: Good Grief Schools Information Session


The spirituality of youth today may look nothing like your childhood, yet youth continue to have rich spiritual lives and needs. Humans seek meaning and purpose especially while facing adversity, which makes us spiritual beings. This webinar will reframe how we think about the spirituality of youth, why it is ...


Good Grief Community Webinar Series: Children’s Grief Awareness Day


Join Good Grief and Dr. Christina Liparini for a one-hour webinar on bibliotherapy in grief support. During this highly interactive webinar, participants will learn the four stages of bibliotherapy. Using popular titles that touch upon grief and loss, they will then get to see the stages in action. Special attention ...

Grief After Sudden Loss w/Evelynn Moon, MA, Director of Education at Good Grief


Join Good Grief for a one-hour webinar on supporting grief from sudden loss. All live attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. **Grief Journaling Webinar has been moved to June 8th** Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kIGlkqoESeyYtCtrS_TVbA In this webinar we will unpack the multi-dimensional experience of grief, looking specifically at sudden loss. ...

Good Grief Community Webinar: Cultural Considerations in Grief


Join Good Grief and Seton Hall University for a one-hour webinar on Cultural Considerations in Grief. All live attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. Grief is “an individual experience, with everyone experiencing the loss differently”. The factors that may influence the way an individual grieves include culture, age, gender, ...

Community Webinar: Grief and Poetry with Chanel Brenner


Join Good Grief for a one-hour webinar on poetry and grief with Chanel Brenner. All live attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Y7oYrvS6SkuZnKOhzJq5FA Chanel Brenner is the winner of the 2021 Press 53 Award for Poetry for Smile or Else. She is the author of Vanilla Milk: ...

Community Webinar: Grief Journaling with Dr. Neena Verma


Dr. Neena Verma is a ‘Grief & Growth” counsellor, expert companion, consultant, and trainer. She has authored “A Mother’s Cry…A Mother’s Celebration” and “Grief..Growth..Grace” All live attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MYemTzCeT7Sc6xzwTC7aAw Good Grief is a New Jersey-based nonprofit that builds resilience in children, strengthens families, ...

Community Webinar: Understanding LGBTQ Grief and Cultivating Inclusive Support


Join us Thursday December 7th at 12pm ET for an insightful and impactful webinar that focuses on inclusive support for  the LGBTQ+ community in grief. This workshop is designed for individuals in end-of-life care, mental health professionals, grief counselors, and community members who wish to become better allies to LGBTQ+ ...