Community Webinar: Grief and Poetry with Chanel Brenner


Join Good Grief for a one-hour webinar on poetry and grief with Chanel Brenner. All live attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. Register here: Chanel Brenner is the winner of the 2021 Press 53 Award for Poetry for Smile or Else. She is the author of Vanilla Milk: ...

Community Webinar: Grief Journaling with Dr. Neena Verma


Dr. Neena Verma is a ‘Grief & Growth” counsellor, expert companion, consultant, and trainer. She has authored “A Mother’s Cry…A Mother’s Celebration” and “Grief..Growth..Grace” All live attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. Register here: Good Grief is a New Jersey-based nonprofit that builds resilience in children, strengthens families, ...

Community Webinar: Understanding LGBTQ Grief and Cultivating Inclusive Support


Join us Thursday December 7th at 12pm ET for an insightful and impactful webinar that focuses on inclusive support for  the LGBTQ+ community in grief. This workshop is designed for individuals in end-of-life care, mental health professionals, grief counselors, and community members who wish to become better allies to LGBTQ+ ...

Community Webinar: Tapping the Power of Mindfulness to Navigate Stress


Navigating the loss of a spouse, a parent, a sibling, or anyone else in our inner circle creates stress on many levels. Whether expected or unexpected, a loss can create waves of powerful emotion: shock and denial, anger and guilt, sadness and regret. At the same time, the loss may ...

Community Webinar: Explorando el dolor y la pérdida


Explorando el dolor y la pérdida Perder a un ser querido puede ser abrumador y emocionalmente tenso para las personas y las familias. Las personas pueden experimentar emociones intensas, como culpa, tristeza, confusión y enojo. En consecuencia, es común que las personas se sientan desconectadas de la persona que falleció. ...

Community Webinar: Scribbling Hope: Vision Journaling through Loss


In this interactive, hands-on workshop, Sarah King will gently guide grieving individuals in creative journaling prompts. Through engaging with easily accessible drawing and creative writing techniques, participants will benefit from the stress relief that lies within art making while also being invited into mindful observation and self-expression. Through themed prompts, ...

Community Webinar Songs of Solace: A Guide to Coping with Grief Through Music


Music is an emotional and social connector for all humans. Listening to and/or playing music can bring up memories and feelings even when we don’t expect it. This presentation will offer suggestions and guidelines for utilizing music for coping with grief in responsible and intentional ways. Education will be provided ...

Community Webinar: Managing Grief on Parent Holidays


In a heartfelt session, Dr. Damita SunWolf LaRue, a distinguished health and grief psychologist, tenderly addresses the poignant challenge of navigating grief on significant parenting days after the loss of a child. Understanding the unique and emotionally charged nature of these occasions, Dr. Damita gently guides participants through practical strategies, ...

Community Webinar: Amy Rubin


“Our soul and our psyche know how to grieve. We don’t need to learn it. What we need to learn is not to avoid it.” —David Kessler Join Amy Rubin, Founder of Mindfulselff and Educational Mindfulness Consultant to: Understand how stress and grief affect the brain and body and how ...